Rebecca is the Communications Director and Illustrator for Telios Teaches, and is also a part of the team behind Telios Law.
She began her journey as a fine arts and marketing professional in 2005 when she left Dallas, Texas to study studio art and art history in Washington, DC. During her stay in Washington, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from American University in 2009. She then spent the next four years pursuing these fields at both the Phillips Collection and the National Geographic Museum, where she created and led educational programs. Upon moving to Chicago, she continued to teach and organize educational programs at the Driehaus Museum, while also leading social media for the Eve Alfillé Gallery & Studio.
Rebecca moved to Colorado Springs in 2018, where she now fulfills both of her key passions serving as Telios Law’s Communications Director. She enjoys living in Colorado Springs with her husband, David, and their daughter. They aspire to one day get a dog.
More of her art can be seen at Rebecca Draws Tiny Things.
Email Rebecca: rms@telioslaw.com