Is online compliance or employee training required in my state? Does Telios Teaches meet these requirements?
California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, and New York have all passed laws requiring sexual harassment training. And the list of states opting into mandatory anti-harassment training is only getting longer.
Regardless of whether your State is mandating sexual harassment and anti-discrimination prevention, preventing harassment and discrimination is part of being a good steward. Honoring the image of God in others is honoring to God. And employees are happier and healthier when they know their employer has their back.
In addition to our core training, Telios Teaches offers state compliance modules for New York, California, Illinois, Delaware, and Vermont
How are you different from the other online training providers?
For secular organizations purchasing secular training, it’s true that online options are myriad. However, for religious organizations, things aren’t as simple. Whether it’s Religious Freedom Restoration Acts, or the Ministerial Exception of TItle VII, you need training that understands how the law applies to religious organizations. More importantly, you need concise, understandable training that speaks to your organization’s values. Employees are more engaged and more receptive when training is able to speak to their core beliefs.
What qualifications does Telios Teaches have that sets them apart from other training software?
Telios Teaches concise, values-based training approaches employment issues from an Imago Deo (Image of God) perspective. Our training is written, and vetted, by attorney subject matter experts. We keep your learners engaged and receptive by approaching employment issues from a worldview that aligns with a Christian belief system.
If I buy your training, how long will I need to stay enrolled?
Our subscriptions are for one year. So, you'll be enrolled for at least that long!
But, the reality is that preventing harassment and discrimination is not a one-and-done thing. To use an analogy, it's a lot harder to vaccinate against behavior than it is to vaccinate against disease.
Your learners will need reminders, your learners will need guidance, and your learners will need updates. The best practices of preventing workplace misconduct are constantly changing, and also improving, as state law evolves, and as we learn more about how to best address workplace problems. Our trainings are regularly updated to reflect the most current legal requirements and best practices.
For as long as you have employees, you will need to protect them. Many States require annual, or semi-annual training; and our recommendations is that you re-up your training at least every two years.
How long will it take for my learners to complete the Sexual Harassment Prevention training?
Your learners are pressed for time. And being pressed for time, they are pressed for attention. So, we have made our training as concise as we possibly could, while still remaining state compliant.
Our Employee Training should take around 1.5 hours to complete (more if you have state compliance modules you're taking).
Our Manager / Leader training is far more robust. Leaders are responsible for a lot more, and they have the power to shape their workplace - for good or ill. The Manager training clocks in at about 2.5 hours to complete.
We’ve got a lot of employees, how do we ensure that they have all completed their training and are in compliance?
Telios Teaches provides completion certificates when learners complete their training. But more than that, we offer multiple ways to report on your learner’s enrollment status and course progress. Whether it’s reports on demand, daily exports, or VIP Administrative access, Telios Teaches specializes in making sure your administrators can track your learners.
Isn’t it just cheaper to handle all of our training ourselves?
The short answer is no. Not unless your organization has very specific talents and resources. To be successful training must be….
- Trackable - you need an Learning Management System.
- Credible - training needs to be authored by subject matter experts.
- Professional - training needs to have high production values and use modern techniques.
- Engaging - training needs to resonate with your learners, and put things in terms they can understand.
Our training is priced in such a way that even if your organization were to have the attorneys, techies, creatives, and consultants all on hand, all ready to create your training, licensing our training still costs a fraction of what it would cost to develop the same resources on your own.
What about pricing—are there any discounts available?
Why, yes, yes there are. We offer two kinds of discounts. The first is a simple bulk discount. Large organizations pay a cheaper rate "per employee." You'll want to check out the pricing page for details.
We also have special offers available when we're doing special promotions. We post those on the main product page when they're active.
If you have any questions, please email us using the contact link listed below.