Misconduct can destroy what God called your organization to do.
Protect Those in Your Care.
Get Training that Affirms Your Values
Misconduct is Preventable
Telios Studios serves churches, ministries, and businesses with Christian sexual harassment prevention training and anti-discrimination training that promotes bystander intervention and aligns with what your organization's mission and values.
Try Our Courses
Why Telios Studios?
Not even counting the financial and interpersonal devastation that lawsuits can cause, allegations can jeopardize your organization's future by ending relationships, harming victims, and damaging reputations.
Organizations need resources and training that their learners will pay attention to, and they need a solution that lines up with their mission, vision, and calling.
For ministries, Telios Studios’ concise, values-based training teaches from an Imago Dei (image of God) perspective helping learners understand prevention and empowering them to fulfill their calling.
For businesses, Telios Studios' laser focuses on laws, standards, and best practices that transcend cultural barriers and help prevent misconduct with no ideological strings attached.
Whether in a business or a ministry, employees are happier and healthier when they are protected by a values-based workplace culture that preserves their core beliefs.
Telios Tips
There's a lot to know about running things right. And there's very little time in which to learn it. Subscribe to Telios Tip for a monthly, hot take on important legal matters.
Telios Law
Legal conflicts can leave people divided, morals compromised, and the truth lost. Telios Law provides legal counsel that preserves your vision and protects you without compromising your beliefs.
Telios Investigations
Learn more about how Telios Law can help lead your investigation while following best practices.
Have a question or ready to get started?
Contact Us
E-Mail: info@teliosteaches.com
Phone: (719) 300-6968
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3488
Monument, CO 80132
We share a building
with Telios Law, PLLC
Visit by appointment only
19925 Monument Hill Rd.
Monument, CO 80132